Registering for an electricity supply implies certain rights and obligations for the consumer. Here we will outline them for you.
Consumer Rights
- Receive advice about the most suitable rates and capacities when signing up, as well as advice regarding the rest of the contract conditions.
- Receive the continuous mode supply.
- Billing based on the actual consumption made.
- Send us your complaint about a matter.
Consumer Obligations
- To be the contract-holder for supply given that this is personal and that the contract-holder must be the effective user of the energy.
- Ensure that the power actually used does not exceed the power contracted, without prejudice to the obligation of installing the Power Control Switch in your home.
- Have protection systems in your home's electricity installation or receivers to protect against the effects of current surges and short-circuits.
- Maintain, conserve and make good use of your installation and the measurement and control equipment.